
Share your story.

What begins as a loose idea or a doodle can grow into a picture book with the right kind of support and care. I have experience making picture books as both an editor and as an author. I want to share what I know with you.

Services for Picture Books

Picture Book Manuscript Edit

Picture books are a joy to read and write, but they can present their own special kinds of puzzles. Often writers come to me feeling that the text is close to being the story they want it to be, but is missing…something. I will read and review your picture book manuscript with the goal of helping you find that missing piece. This package includes a full manuscript review. You can expect to receive an edit letter giving feedback on what’s working and what isn’t along with suggestions for how to improve. In addition, I will send line notes on the manuscript to finesse language, refine style, and develop your voice as a picture book writer. I feel that the editorial process benefits from a chance to ask questions and discuss a project in conversation, so this package also includes the option to schedule a thirty minute phone call.

$250 per manuscript

Picture Book with Illustrations Edit

It is fun and exciting to work on a project where the story and visuals spring from the same brain. Picture books created by author-illustrators have a unique connection between text and art and I will evaluate your book dummy (or the format you are working in) with special attention to how the manuscript and sketches work together. For this package, I will provide a full critique of your text as well as art notes. You can expect an edit letter with a focus on character, plot, and other big picture ideas; line notes on the manuscript with specific suggestions about language and style; and art notes with an eye for character consistency, point of view, and the reader experience. After I send you my notes, this package includes an option to schedule a thirty minute phone call where you can ask questions, work through ideas and discuss next steps.

 $300 for a 32 page book dummy

Have an Idea?

Have an idea for a picture book but don’t know how to begin? A conversation is a good place to start. I will schedule a thirty minute call to talk about your ideas, your inspiration, and what goes into the picture book making process. You can ask questions, get feedback on your concept, and plan a path forward. If you prefer an email correspondence, I’m happy to work that way as well. Send me your ideas and questions and I will respond with suggestions, information, resources, and feedback.
